The Internet Puppies have arrived!

Internet Puppies!

3rd of March, 1998.

The Puppies arrived at 5 am on Tuesday 3rd of March. Heppie had decided that under the bed was the best place to have them, so it was a fairly sleepless night for us all.

About 4am the panting started and her temperature dropped, and  the welping all went to plan, resulting in 6 puppies by 8 am.

The first puppy, nicknamed Sanyo, was at first strangely drawn to the speaker under the bed. (Hence the name.) However, it soon found its way to a suitable food source.

In time, these will be up for adoption, but at the moment, they are quite happily asleep under our bed. 

Time will tell how they grow, and I'll keep this page updated with new poor-quality VHS photos.

The surprises in the pack were the virtually all-black puppy shown left, and the almost all white puppy with only a black ear and a black foot shown in the centre.

I've still got to teach at TAFE tonight.

Images taken from VHS video - these puppies are less than one day old. (Designed for 800 * 600 resolution.)

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